Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Movie blog

The movies itself described erasing someones memory of somebody else. In my opinion i believe that the memory is a part of the self and can be part of who you are directly. As such the movie protagonist is seen trying to salvage his memory and even crying when the sedate him during his awakening. When the woman at the end of the movie returned all of the tapes of their memories to their proper owners there was a sense of reuniting the self back to the person. When the self is altered, it is usually permanent. The tapes being returned to the protagonist and his girlfriend reunited them again after the forced erasing of their minds.

Once their minds were set back into normality their lives changed and for the better. When they discovered the tapes and found out what the problems were, they tried to fix the mistakes and make them anew again. When true love is there, the person tries anything, in the case of the protagonist bringing them into the deepest parts of their mind where humiliation was present, proved that people do lose themselves when their minds are erased.

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