Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The lecture given touched on subject of evolution. The concepts behind evolution described genetic and environmental effects. The genetic variations that do not code fr normal DNA combinations are called mutation, which is the change in the genotype of an organism. The changes are random and do play a role in the study of evolution. The environmental effects are not random, but rather selective. The selective components in the process is called Natural selection. Natural selection is not random,it choices which phenotypes and genotypes can pass their information onto the next generation

The effect of creationism in relation to evolution is direct by teaching and conflict that it may cause. The adverse effects of human nature play a role. People within religious affiliations did not approve of the teachings of evolution because it defied their own logic of "god creates everything". The theory of creationism has been dis proven because of the evidence collected from scientists of past and present scientists.

The science of evolution is ever changing as the reasons keep developing and changing. The basis on how evolution started was from a journey and the science behind it seems to be traveling on that journey. I learned what i will be encountering in my later years as a biology and environmental studies major. I found that the phylogeny of many different species and how they came into existence to be rather intriguing. The conflict between religion and science still continues to this day.

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