Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The morality of the justice system

How society rules in the case of the just an unjust is by the ability to read the situations being dealt with. Justice is to be given to those who are attempting or succeeding at the infamous art of mischief or crime. Morality does play a factor in the justice system. in American we have a democratic government that has set laws to prevent mischief and crime as well as moral laws to keep the peace strong. Justice and Morality go hand and hand together.

The responsibility of maintaining the laws are in the executive branch of government. The balance between freedom and power is slowly separating out. The freedom in America is the power of the country. In the Burial at Thebes, there was no freedom, only a power hungry dictator that ruled over a small city-state. Being able to take responsibility for the countries action is a symbol of justice all on its own.

Finally, being a good leader is key to being able to have a positive justice system. A morally positive leader would assist the countries in growth and development. Showing compassion in the Justice system could be a positive aspect and could cause the person to not cause the crime again. Leaders that confront the moral issues try to make laws to try matching with the times. History is meant to change an repeat itself. The same goes for the justice system's around the world.


  1. Jesse, I liked how you contrasted our US government with that of Thebes. Do you think since we accept that our laws are based of morals that we too, much like Thebes, can fall under misguided leadership. How do we balance between morals and logic? Are they the same?

  2. I agree with your take on leadership and the role of the justice system in your conclusion. Your right; histroy is repeated and the justice system cycles along the same lines.
