Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The lecture given touched on subject of evolution. The concepts behind evolution described genetic and environmental effects. The genetic variations that do not code fr normal DNA combinations are called mutation, which is the change in the genotype of an organism. The changes are random and do play a role in the study of evolution. The environmental effects are not random, but rather selective. The selective components in the process is called Natural selection. Natural selection is not random,it choices which phenotypes and genotypes can pass their information onto the next generation

The effect of creationism in relation to evolution is direct by teaching and conflict that it may cause. The adverse effects of human nature play a role. People within religious affiliations did not approve of the teachings of evolution because it defied their own logic of "god creates everything". The theory of creationism has been dis proven because of the evidence collected from scientists of past and present scientists.

The science of evolution is ever changing as the reasons keep developing and changing. The basis on how evolution started was from a journey and the science behind it seems to be traveling on that journey. I learned what i will be encountering in my later years as a biology and environmental studies major. I found that the phylogeny of many different species and how they came into existence to be rather intriguing. The conflict between religion and science still continues to this day.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Blade Runner

Blade Runner describe a futuristic complete capitalistic society where slavery of genetically modified humanoids are slaves. The society itself is chaotic because of the primitive tactics used in the movie. Slavery was in the past and revitalizing a fallen misery is tragic to those who are human themselves. Just because the person is not completely human doesn't mean you can treat them like they are a cow in a herd of cattle. The reason this capitalistic society is so powerful is because of all of the cooperation's. The relation with life today is different from the depiction that was given in the movie. The technology has not advanced enough to create clones nor would people be prone to using human like clones because it would be unethical.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Women Activism reaches campus

Women activists have many different definitions of how it is accomplished. The American way of activism differs from the world view and especially the African perspective. The African perspective of women's activism. The Burial at Thebes relates to the struggle women go through and it can also cause in it's own sense orderly chaos. When the women in Africa went to the European explorers and tried to tell them what they are doing incorrect by using body language. When that failed the women would band together and hurt the man (of either ethnicity) for harming the woman.

In The Burial at Thebes, Antigone was treated horribly by her uncle Creon of Thebes and she committed suicide after sentencing her to a cave for the rest of her life. If Antigone was in Africa when this happened the women would have united and caused an uproar out of the sheer disrespect that was thrown upon Antigone. The gender issues in the world today represent the oldest form of order and chaos representation based on the differences between the strengths and weaknesses of men and women alike. The issue continues to reveal itself in literature and in pop culture to modern era.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The morality of the justice system

How society rules in the case of the just an unjust is by the ability to read the situations being dealt with. Justice is to be given to those who are attempting or succeeding at the infamous art of mischief or crime. Morality does play a factor in the justice system. in American we have a democratic government that has set laws to prevent mischief and crime as well as moral laws to keep the peace strong. Justice and Morality go hand and hand together.

The responsibility of maintaining the laws are in the executive branch of government. The balance between freedom and power is slowly separating out. The freedom in America is the power of the country. In the Burial at Thebes, there was no freedom, only a power hungry dictator that ruled over a small city-state. Being able to take responsibility for the countries action is a symbol of justice all on its own.

Finally, being a good leader is key to being able to have a positive justice system. A morally positive leader would assist the countries in growth and development. Showing compassion in the Justice system could be a positive aspect and could cause the person to not cause the crime again. Leaders that confront the moral issues try to make laws to try matching with the times. History is meant to change an repeat itself. The same goes for the justice system's around the world.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Movie blog

The movies itself described erasing someones memory of somebody else. In my opinion i believe that the memory is a part of the self and can be part of who you are directly. As such the movie protagonist is seen trying to salvage his memory and even crying when the sedate him during his awakening. When the woman at the end of the movie returned all of the tapes of their memories to their proper owners there was a sense of reuniting the self back to the person. When the self is altered, it is usually permanent. The tapes being returned to the protagonist and his girlfriend reunited them again after the forced erasing of their minds.

Once their minds were set back into normality their lives changed and for the better. When they discovered the tapes and found out what the problems were, they tried to fix the mistakes and make them anew again. When true love is there, the person tries anything, in the case of the protagonist bringing them into the deepest parts of their mind where humiliation was present, proved that people do lose themselves when their minds are erased.