Sunday, February 14, 2010

Blog on my past

Creed, "Overcome" full circle,bluecollar,2009

This song represent fighting to be free from tyranny and bind that everyone has to fight on an everyday basis. Being able to fight for you right to live and to be free from struggle is a way of showing the self. The self can be depicted from this as fighting and overcoming challenges that may come their way, such as fighting and experiencing life and death situations. The self is complex as with the songs meaning, you have to fight to live and live to survive.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

blog 6: speech analasis

A normal conversation can go in many different directions based off of setting, tone, people and the purpose. The conversations with my friends usually occur in a friends room and involves interchanging languages. I have been taking French since i was around 4 years old so I would concider myself a bilinguist. The majority of the conversations start because we get bored or someone says something that some of us disagree with. Our conversations are usually entertaining to a certain degree even though some people get irritated quickly (which can sometimes be an alterior motive). Picture site: