Sunday, January 31, 2010

blog 5

The brain has many different purposes and it defines the self. How our brain does this is through perception and action. Perception is located towards the back of our brain as action is located towards the front (more specifically the cortex). Emotions and physical action that are controlled enable us to think for ourselves and be able to use problem solving skills to be able to exit situations of conflict or to assist in solving them. Using brain biology memory serves to be important. losing our memory causes us to lose part of ourselves. Same with any damage to the brain, we lose part of ourselves in the process. The self being in homeostasis to itself is very important to maintaining the balence between the human beings mind, body, and spirit, but most importantly the soul.

Blog 1.5

The Book of Job spoke about how faith gives rewards even when put through hardships. Job represent a follower who never took any other intiative to accomplish hos goals. The test that was given forced Job to look at himself in the mirror (even with the boils) and made him evaluate himself ina completly different manor than before. When his test was done and everything he lost was restored back to him, he realized that there is more to life than just being a loyal follower. That being able to comprehend simple things leads to a happier life.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blog 4

I believe that knowing thy self is quite important to understanding your virtues and the real world. Ben Franklin maintains a strict quota of order with his life having anything to do with chaos to be thrown out of wack and he feels no purpose is to be gained through choas. The opposite is for the other story because it spoke on how choas can cause order in a routine and keep life interesting. The ability to maintain someones interest in life is key for the understanding of the mind, body and spirit of your own being. Keeping that maintaince is important for your own health as well.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blog 3: Dennis Lecture

The holocaust was one of the worst things to have occured in history. Professor Marc Dennis gave us a glimps of what it was like in a concentration camp using artwork that was created in the holocaust. The artwork shown opened my eyes to another realm makeing me think even harder about the value of life and how it shouldn't be mistreated. The artwork showed powerful emotions such as pain and anger, and more intensly sadness. Dehumanization is not right by any meaning of the owrd and should never be practiced. Bias, hate and bigotry should be evected from the mind and heart of the people in the world in order for the world to become a safer and more peaceful place to reside.

Blog 2: Kather Lecture

Pictures speak a thousand words and can give you a glimpes into the present or the past depending on photograph and the person. In the book of Job, Jan Kather mentions the importance of religion and the perspective of William Blake about religion. Kathers main focus was on the catholic church symbolizing that William Blake did not favor organized religion. The book of Job had many other illustrations as Professor Kather pointer out and they all involve religion in some sense giving us a inside view of how religion was interpreted in the past.

1st blog

Order and choas have many different definitions and perceptions depending on the person. My definition of order is something that is ket at a constant at all times. My definition of choas is something that is spontanious that could prove to have either positive or negative concequences. Without choas there would be no order and without order there would be no choas leaving life to be a bitter and dull exsistance.